It’s totally different for everyone, some get it hard, some not too bad, sometimes it’s really in the morning sometimes it’s at night. Smells can trigger it, sometimes activity can trigger it. Morning sickness usually begins around week 6 of pregnancy, about the same time that the placenta begins serious production of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), a special pregnancy hormone. Symptoms usually begin to peak during week 8 or 9 and wane after week 13. I say usually because as mentioned before, everyone is different. Just in our own family we’ve had; no morning sickness, morning sickness for 9 months, sickness at the beginning and then at the end, sick in bed, barely noticeable sickness, you name it. It can also vary from pregnancy to pregnancy, so listen to your body and try these ways to counteract the queasiness.

First, experiment a little, what worked for your sister, your aunt, your friend may not work for you. So try several things until you find something that works for you.

Eat the way your baby eats – the child growing inside you nourishes itself by raiding your bloodstream for glucose 24 hours a day. If you don’t take care how you replenish the supply, your blood sugar levels can drop sharply. So switch the way you eat, a little bit at a time. Put glucose into your system quickly and easily by eating simple sugars, like fruit sugars. Grapes and orange juice are excellent!

Avoid fried, fatty foods – grilled cheeseburger with onion rings??? Not this week, fried foods often make pregnant women more nauseated. The body takes longer to digest such foods, which means they sit in the stomach longer and churn away

Carry raw almonds with you – a snack of almonds fulfills the requirement of small, frequent meals. They contain some fat, some protein, and are high in B vitamins. They are portable and tastier than crackers!

Stock your night table – Almonds, crackers, anything easy on the tummy that will bring your blood sugar up before you get out of bed in the morning, or if you’re having an issue with nausea in the middle of the night

Nibble to keep heartburn away – You should always keep something in your stomach, even if its just a cracker or a little candy bar. The stomach naturally makes more acids during pregnancy and these acids needs something to work against.

Drink lots of clear fluids – clear broth, water, fruit juice, herbal teas, and Gatorade is especially great because it can help maintain your electrolytes.

Raspberry leaf tea – many herbal teas can help with nausea, raspberry leaf, chamomile, lemon balm. Chamomile added to peppermint tea works really well.

Sip Ginger ale – Ginger ale, 7-up, clear carbonated drinks work well to settle a tummy

Check with your doctor about your vitamins – some vitamins can make you sick to your stomach, rule this out.

Trust your body – Eat whatever your body is craving or appeals to you as long as your not eating junk all the time. Try to avoid caffeine, drugs, and artificial sweeteners. But if you crave pasta, eat it. It really does work when you listen to your body

Keep calm – If you continue to put on weight and dehydration isn’t a problem, you’re probably doing fine. Women don’t tend to lost beyond what their body stores can handle. You can be fairly ill with morning sickness and yet continue nourishing your baby well

That said, here are things you should probably be concerned about and contact your doctor for:

You notice you’ve lost a pound or two. Normally weight gain during pregnancy continues even if you aren’t keeping all of your meals down

You feel dehydrated or you are not urinating

You find you cant keep anything down, no water, juice, nothing over a period of 4 to 6 hours.