Category: Raising Children
Hits: 2897

My grand daughter Aleena is one of the 4 cutest girls in the world! She’s so strong, does everything early, and even though she’s barely a year old she tells you long stories. She looks you right in the eye and with what sounds like should be real words she talks to you. It’s the cutest thing ever. She’s very sincere and very expressive. It makes you feel bad for not being able to understand her, like maybe you missed that day in English class and you should know better.

She gestures and looks at things in a way that lets you know exactly what she wants or needs, it’s amazing to watch.

The other day Aleena was having some time with Mom and Dad without her sister and they spent the day fixing fences. I’m not sure how much help she was or how impressed she was with the work, but she certainly knows how to dress for it. IMG957756